The true first object show I have ever watched...
Inanimate Insanity is a animated webseries on Youtube that focuses on a sentient phone named Mephone4 creating a reality/competiton show where sentient objects battle to win a million dollar prize. Despite the simple premise of the show and characters, as the series goes on it can get a lot more dramatic, with characters betraying and working against others to win. The series has been ongoing since 2011 and has recently come to a close in 2024 with an amazing 3 part finale that DEFINETLY didn't make me cry at all whatsoever.

What do you mean by "The true first object show I have ever watched"? TELL ME OR YOULL DIE
IMSORRYPLE anyway I say that because techically ONE was my techically my first object show, but it certainly didn't help me get into object shows, do not get me wrong ONE is fucking AMAZING!!! It just probably shouldn't have been my first object show...
You see ONE kinda left me wanting more (because come on the ending was fucking tragic and awful in the BEST way possible UEHEUHEUE), so I told myself "I REFUSE to watch any other object show if it ISN'T like this!" You see how ridiculous that was. ONE is a. Well. One of a kind show and there obviously isn't a lot of shows like it so I was being REAL dumb in the moment. My ex tried to put me onto BFDI but I was like "YAWN wheres the angst" so I refused to watch more than one episode. For a while I just stuck to ONE and only ONE...
And then I found a little series called Inanimate Insanity.
Now I was very VERY reluctant to watch it because again, ONE made me have extreamly unrealistic expectations and that was entirely on me but also as everyone in the osc knows the first episodes of season one are kinda the giant wall ppl have to climb before getting to the really good stuff...
So I sat there and I cringed and I moaned in agony and pain at all of the immature humor and I considered quiting so many times but then later on I was like "Huh.. this is getting pretty funny! It isn't that unbearable and awful! I am actually enjoying this!" And then I got to season two and oh man I got hooked! I had started watching around the time "Friend or Froze" came out (yeah ik "ew stupid poopy newgen" wtv) And since then I branched out and started to watch other object shows and now object shows are my favorite thing!

Would you recommend II as a first object show?
It kinda depends, because the start of II is DEFINETLY hard to get through... But also you don't want to tell anyone to skip over it bc it becomes very relevant later... I suppose if you know the person will be willing to stick through nickel shitting on baseballs head and salts creepy obsession with OJ and all of the terrible animation and voice acting inbetween then yes! If not stick with something like Brawl of the Objects or BFDI.